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Article: Handwritten notes are dangerous for coverage and interviews! Why We Absolutely Recommend Recording


Handwritten notes are dangerous for coverage and interviews! Why We Absolutely Recommend Recording

From celebrities and intellectuals who run media or are self-employed freelance writers方からI need to do an interviewる…。 to those who。
Anxiety piles up in the first interview, but one of the most common questionsて『Handwritten memo or recording?』 include。

This time, I will explain in detail why the author, who has been interviewed many times, definitely recommends recording if you get lost.く解説します。

Introduction Conclusion論

In this article, I say that recording is better for the following reasonsいます。

  • There is almost no merit of paper in the first placeい
  • easy to communicate
  • Minimal luggage without paper mediaに
  • Less risk of losing content
  • Transcription costs almost nothing
  • You can go back and listen to the storyる
  • Conversation can be recorded instead of informationできる

In addition, although it is written for self-employed people and freelancers, I assume office workers and explain in various cases.ます。Finally, I also write a case where a memo is betterます so please read to the endい。

No handwriting for interviews, recording option一択!


So, let's get started with the main subject, and what I would like to clarify in considering whether to record or handwrite isのが、『What's wrong with an interviewか、』 that means。
conversely、It is better to choose the one with the lowest probability of failure I think it's a perfectly natural logic.す。

Learn from failed interviewsぶ。

The reason for the interview that I have done in my experience so far is as follows.記が理由です。

  • Loss of memo data失
  • I couldn't hear what I wanted to hear

There are various reasons for small failures such as lack of preparation and lack of consideration at the planning stage, but if the above two are managed somehow, it can be repaired to some extent.す。
Only these two casesう、If it happens, there is nothing I can do about it。

Loss of memo data失


Loss here refers to file damage in the case of recording.ことです。

First of all, I've been doing recordings for several years and nothing has happened, but when I was recording on my iPhone, the power went out halfway through, and there was only one crash.度だけありました。

These risks include recordings with recorders and iPhones, etc.など、By setting 2 or more, the probability approaches zero.。

On the other hand, what about handwritten memos? With handwritten memos, you need to listen to what the other person is saying and write down the input information in the memo.アウトプット)。
concentrate on writing fail to communicate as well as、omission of notes It is also conceivable that there is。

If you can't take notes well like this、The biggest weakness of the memo is that it is very weak after it is brought home。

I couldn't hear what I wanted to hear。


This is partly due to lack of preparation, but in the first placeの”lack of communication” There are also cases where the factor is。

Interview while listening to the story、『What to ask next分か…』 It is not just a discourse because it is necessary to think about such things asす。
In other words, even if you don't write notes,もActive judgment output using head is necessaryが必要。

Even if it's just that you have to balance input and output, you don't have time to take your time writing notes.の場合は、Just turn on the voice recorder and you can concentrate on the story and the content of the interview.す。

Advantages of recording


In addition to the above, recording has many advantages that handwritten memos do not have.す。

  • There is almost no merit of paper in the first placeい
  • easy to communicate
  • Minimal luggage without paper mediaに
  • Less risk of losing content
  • Transcription costs almost nothing
  • You can go back and listen to the storyる
  • Conversation can be written instead of information出来る
  • Easy to share and post data楽

In particular, being able to write down the entire conversation is one of the great advantages of recording.で、By writing conversations and speaking styles instead of information, you can give the article content a live feeling.ます。

Furthermore, it will be digitized when transcribing、One of the big reasons is that when writing an article, it can be transcribed as it is and it is easy to share within the company.す。

Disadvantages of recording

The only biggest disadvantage of recording at the time of interview is、『Requires one step of transcriptionと。 Even I am very fast at typing, it takes about an hour to create a one-hour tape, and depending on the interlocutor, it may take more than two hours.ます。

The point to digest this disadvantage is to outsource the transcription。』です。 If it's a one-hour tape, you can find it for 500 yen if it's free, so it's an ant to outsource it.ですね。

Recommended case for handwritten notesス


However, it is not true that recording is advantageous in all cases.せん。

  • If you want information, not storiesい場合
  • ”If you do the transcription yourself合

In the case of the above two cases, I think that handwriting would be fine.ます。
(Of course, we also have a voice recorder.が。)

I specifically want only the first piece of information, not the full text要ない、Cases where information other than some valuable information is superfluous。
I would use a voice recorder and a PC memo, but depending on the person, it might be good to use a handwritten memo.も。

Secondly, when it is necessary to transcribe by yourself, such as when it is assumed that you will do the transcription yourself, or it is difficult to outsource because you handle confidential information.ある場合。
Since it is simply troublesome, it is one of the methods to simplify it with a memoす。


I would like to remind you at the end so that it is not misleading.なくともThere is no advantage in not recording? It was an article with the purpose of。

If you look for it on mail order sites such as Amazon, you can find voice recorders for around 1,000 yen.せん。

If you are interviewing for the first time, why not consider using a voice recorder even if you are writing by hand?ょうか。