I have never left Kyoto, but I experienced my first experience abroad as a way of thinking that enriches my life.
I think there are many people who think that they have to be able to speak English in order to go abroad, or that they are worried that they have to prepare well.ます。
I can tell you from my experience that I had never even stayed in a domestic hotel, but I boarded a plane and went to China by myself for two weeks.ます。
that trying is more important than preparing。
So, I will write an article that I would like people who are preparing to go abroad to call.ます。
Prepared expectations differ from realityる
When I was 22, I had never flown on an airplane or stayed in a hotel, but I went to China for work.ます。

However, I was worried, so I bought a travel Chinese conversation book at a bookstore the day before I left Japan.会話本。

In China, where the Internet is difficult to connect to, the translation app was almost useless, but if I pointed to a book, I could manage even when I was in trouble at the hotel or on the road.りました。
Rather, by having a book, people will recognize you as a foreigner who can't speak Chinese at all, and the conversation will be really lively.ます。
「Where did you come from? Anime is interesting in Japan. Naruto is the best.出会いもありました。

Using this environment, I talked to various people and taught them Japanese, and in exchange for teaching me about Japan that I knew, they took me to places that only Chinese people know. gave me a lot of informationくれました。
Once we got along, we exchanged social media and made many friends.I stayed for two weeks and made 30 friends.Now I have close to 600 friends in China.中国にいます。

While I was interacting with them, I was able to stay in a condominium like a wealthy person for several months, and I was able to learn Chinese naturally.した。

I also had the experience of selling to Chinese people at a stall even though I could not speak Chinese.た。
If I had gone after my Chinese improved, I would have missed the timing to meet you, and I would not have been able to have such an experience or make friends.しょう。
At the end

Take advantage of the current situation and turn it into an advantageる。
With that kind of thinking, you won't have to worryる。
I can manage without baggageる。
What you need is the feeling of being able to adapt to any situation and purely enjoy the moment.ちだ。